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+254 701 550 353


aFinancial Services

arrowSpecial Purpose Audit
arrowActuarial Services
aInternal Audit
aBusiness Support
aCorporate Finance
aForensic & Financial Services
aInformation Technology
aHuman Resource Consulting
aEnterprise Risk Management
aGrant Management
aTechnical Audit
aWealth Management
aBusiness Continuity

Actuarial Services

Our Actuarial services include the analysis of rates of disability, morbidity, mortality, retirement, survivorship and other contingencies. By using mathematical and statistical modeling our professionals are able to provide estimates regarding particular events, such as the life span of a life insurance applicant, or the likelihood of a catastrophic, weather-related event for a property and casualty insurance firm.

We shall help you in determining, assessing and planning for the financial impact of the risk

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