Technical audit
This is a systematic and objective examinations of a program or project to determine whether environmental data collection activities and related results comply with the project's Quality Assurance, Project Plan and other planning documents, are implemented effectively, and are suitable to achieve its data quality goals.
Technical audits include readiness reviews, technical systems audits, surveillance, and performance evaluations.
We have extensive experience in technical audit and our professionals are always ready to help you in.
- Readiness reviews - conducted before specific technical activities (e.g., samplecollection, field work, and laboratory analysis) are initiated to assess whetherprocedures, personnel, equipment, and facilities are ready for Planed project.
- Technical systems audits –We qualitatively document the degree to which theprocedures and processes specified in the approved Project Plan are beingimplemented.
- Surveillance - We continuously or periodically assess the real-timeimplementation of an activity or activities to determine conformance to establishedprocedures and protocols.
- Performance evaluations –Wequantitatively test the ability of a measurementsystem to obtain acceptable results.
- Audits of data quality -conducted on verified data to document thecapability of a project’s data management system tocollect, analyze, interpret, and report data as specified in the Project Plan.
- Data quality assessments – Scientifically and Statistical evaluations ofvalidated data to determine if the data are of the right type, quality, and quantity tosupport their intended use.